Many homes contain invisible toxins and pollutants that can cause a wide range of health impacts — from minor headaches and congestion all the way to severe health problems.
We specialize in testing your home for these hidden health hazards and helping you remediate them.
Whether you think you have an issue, you’re just curious, or you’re looking to optimize — Lightwork Home Health can help.
A comprehensive analysis of your home's water supply using advanced lab testing.
A detailed evaluation of your home's artificial lighting sources with professional-grade spectrometry.
An in-depth air quality evaluation to measure pollutant levels and ventilation effectiveness.
A systematic measurement of electric fields, magnetic fields, and radiofrequency levels to identify legitimate health risks.
A thorough review of household products to identify harmful ingredients and recommend safe alternatives.
Experience the world’s most data-driven home health assessment. Our testing process analyzes every aspect of your home environment that could be influencing your health.
Our specialists thoroughly review all on-site measurements and lab results to create a clear report and remediation plan.
During our follow-up session, we’ll present our findings and discuss tailored remediation options. We take a pragmatic, evidence-based approach that prioritizes solutions based on their impact and ease of implementation.
Remediation strategies vary widely depending on the specific issues uncovered. Our team will guide you through the entire process, providing our expertise and full support to ensure smooth, stress-free implementation.
These are the easiest, fastest home health wins — changes to your lights and your household products — to improve your sleep & mental clarity.
(We bet you haven’t done both of these yet, even if you’re health-obsessed already.)
Enter your email below and we'll send them over.
Our advanced testing uncovers issues that would otherwise go undetected.
Every home test reveals something — whether it's serious health hazards that need immediate attention or evidence-based opportunities to optimize your space for better health.
My health journey started when I realized chronic congestion was not something everyone experienced, and relief required more than standard medical advice. This journey expanded as I began coaching colleagues through sleep, fertility, brain fog, and other issues.
Recently, I helped grow Upward Farms, a Brooklyn-based vertical farm that replaced chemical fertilizers and pesticides with organic microbes.
I also sit on the Board of All Kings, an NYC-based therapeutic group serving formerly incarcerated men.
When I'm not conducting home health assessments, you can find me discussing all things circadian rhythm, nervous system regulation, and other health matters.
—Johnny Bowman
CEO | Lightwork Home Health NYC
MBA, Harvard Business School | B.A., Harvard College